Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cinna's Poem

Caesar's sword laughs with superiority,
His enemy's cower with inferiority.
Caesar's stare never smiles,
Opponent's scared within miles.
Caesar's citizens love him so,
As much as a cook loves dough.
Caesar's honor is Rome,
Because it has always been home.
And to all that defy him,
Maybe you should have just, passed by him.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Radio Cassius

Hello Rome. I see you are all rejoicing about this man you call Caesar, for what he has done in the past and for what what he is doing presently. But i also see that none of you are looking into what he will do or at least will have the power to do in the future. The near future. Think about it, if you give a man too much power, this man becomes uncontrollable and will be able to do anything. I know what all of you Caesar lover's are thinking, you are thinking that Caesar can use those powers to bring Rome more and more victory. But what if he doesn't. Caesar is just as likely to want all of the power to himself. Caesar could make us all slaves and to do what he commands just because, he is Caesar and if you don't you die. Is it worth the chance? Look around you. Look at this glorious country we call home. Rome is working for you right now, but in a second it can work against you. So play it safe and be guaranteed a good country? Or let Caesar run free and make his own choices to Rome? Remember, Caesar is not a God; He is definitely just a mere human. I know this by experience. So, the choice is yours. Choose wisely.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

-3 4 and 5

-3 I have just realized that i should probably put all of these posts together so they will be from now on, hope that didn't cause too much confusion. The setting of this book is in, as i have already stated San Fransisco. The story hasn't really said a season but at one point they were on a boat so i'm guessing its in the summer. Considering that this is a terrorist attack, and it is coming from a teenagers point of view; this is a very serious atmosphere. For chapters it was only talking about how awful it was in that "terrorist's jail". It was also saying how the DHS manipulated Marcus and how he was infuriated because of it. In my opinion that is really serious.
-4 The main character I have chosen is Marcus, because he is the protagonist. Marcus is very known to the technological world and uses it to his advantage. For example, he knows that the school has a gait recognition system so when he walks by he puts little rocks in his shoes to make him walk differently. Also he knows that the school tracks him through library books and can destroy the chip inside the book in different ways. Marcus is also as you can tell by my previous examples; a trouble maker. He skips school quite a bit and hacks into the schools website and stuff. But even though Marcus is a trouble maker. HE IS NOT A TERRORIST!
-5 I would rate this book on a scale to 1-10 an 8. This book has terrorists, teen rebellion, and "techno-geeks". You can't go wrong with that! I highly recommend it, but too bad i'm reading it!


"Little Brother" is about a terrorist attack on San Fransisco, and this group of teenagers get held as a suspect terrorist and fight the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The main characters name is Marcus, he and his group of friends are all "techno-geeks". They are all ditching class to join a scavenger hunt-like game called Harajuku Fun Madness when the terrorists bomb a bridge. One of the friends got stabbed in the chaos so Marcus tries to pullover a car by running in front of it; the people in the car run out and take them hostage. Turns out those people are all apart of the DHS and took them because they are suspects. So after several agonizing days in a jail being treated like a terrorist he and two other friends gets let out, but one doesn't. Thats about where i left off but I have a feeling the rest of this story is going to be about how Marcus gets Darryl back ( the kid who got left behind) and how he fights the DHS, which in my opinion seems like a horrible idea.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

First Blog Assignment-1

Okay to start off this post I should let you know that I am reading the book "Little Brother". The name of the author who wrote this book is Cory Doctorow. I had never heard of him or this book before I came to this school. I have only read a mere 75 pages of the 365, and I already love it. No matter how much i try to find how many books Doctorow has written I can't, all i can find out is that he has written many and "Little Brother" is one of his most popular. I found it very interesting that Cory Doctorow was born in Toronto, Ontario.