Sunday, October 18, 2009


"Little Brother" is about a terrorist attack on San Fransisco, and this group of teenagers get held as a suspect terrorist and fight the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The main characters name is Marcus, he and his group of friends are all "techno-geeks". They are all ditching class to join a scavenger hunt-like game called Harajuku Fun Madness when the terrorists bomb a bridge. One of the friends got stabbed in the chaos so Marcus tries to pullover a car by running in front of it; the people in the car run out and take them hostage. Turns out those people are all apart of the DHS and took them because they are suspects. So after several agonizing days in a jail being treated like a terrorist he and two other friends gets let out, but one doesn't. Thats about where i left off but I have a feeling the rest of this story is going to be about how Marcus gets Darryl back ( the kid who got left behind) and how he fights the DHS, which in my opinion seems like a horrible idea.

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